All in All: Thoughts on the Final Purpose of Creation

Published: Feb. 6, 2022, 8:16 p.m.

This episode begins and ends somewhat abruptly, so this description will have to serve as both introduction and conclusion. This episode is my reading and commenting on the opening of Jonathan Edwards' A Dissertation Concerning the End for Which God Created the World. Despite the exasperated tone in which I sometimes respond to this essay, I have deep respect for Edwards as a theologian, and I consider this work in particular to be a gem of Reformed theology. This episode concludes with some remarks on time as well as protology or first things, with special reference to God's love for each individual. If anyone would like to me to read and comment on more of this dissertation, please let me know, and I may make it an ongoing series. Otherwise, I will let this episode stand on its own although I'm sure that I'll have more to say about Edwards in the future.