A Conversation with Wayne

Published: March 17, 2022, 9:23 p.m.

Wayne Fair is a database manager and former pastor who, like myself, moonlights as an amateur theologian. Both his and my amateurishness become apparent at many points during this conversation, and we both struggle to stay on topic at times. That being said, this ended up being one of my all-time favorite conversations, and I strongly recommend you check out Wayne's YouTube channel, Sovereign Love. (I myself have watched every video.) Below are links to all the YouTube videos and podcasts that we reference throughout this conversation. I particularly recommend listening to John Milbank's appearance on the Grace Saves All podcast by David Artman.

Seekers of Unity: Eriugena


Milbank's appearance on Grace Saves All (see especially 34:40 - 45:00)


Seekers of Unity: Interview with Ihsan Alexander (Jewish-Muslim interfaith dialogue)


Robert Hart's appearance on Grace Saves All


Wayne's Youtube channel, Sovereign Love


Finally, two beautiful quotations from Nicholas of Cusa, selected by Wayne:

“For Thou, the Absolute Being of All, art as entirely present to all as though Thou hadst no care for any other… Thou, Lord, dost regard every living thing in such wise that none of them can conceive that Thou hast any other care but that it alone should exist… and that each thinketh all other existing things exist for the purpose of serving this end, namely, the best state of him whom Thou beholdest.” (Pg. 14-15)  

“Thou art the Father of the whole world, and of each individual. Each saith Our Father, and because of it Thy fatherly love comprehendeth each and all of Thy sons. For a father so loveth all his sons as he doth each one, because he is as much the father of all as he is of each one. He so loveth each of his sons that each may imagine himself to be favored above all.” (Pg. 34)

-- Nicholas of Cusa, The Vision of God