A Conversation with Rajat

Published: March 27, 2022, 4:23 p.m.

Rajat and I are two friends united by a mutual interest in philosophical theology but separated by circadian rhythms. (I am a morning person; he is a night owl.) However, we finally got a chance to talk, and we discussed the similarities and differences between my Christian universalism and Rajat's more philosophically driven "optimistic theism." There are a couple things I regret about this conversation: First, I really need to upgrade to a proper microphone sometime soon. Second, in my excitement over the topics Rajat brought up, I interrupted him too frequently. Hopefully in the near future we will get a chance to converse again at greater length. In the meantime, here is the link to Rajat's YouTube channel, which explores theology and political philosophy from a libertarian perspective:

Unorthodox Libertarian Theology


Christian universalists will be interested to learn that Rajat interviews the brilliant Eric Reitan on this channel along with several other high-caliber thinkers in more secular areas.