Exploring the Soul of the Enneagram Eight w/Kayla Craig [S05-014]

Published: Nov. 4, 2021, 3:46 p.m.


The Enneagram tells us that there are nine basic personality types, one of which we each gravitate towards in childhood.\\xa0 But if you dig a little deeper, each type actually has three instinctual variants called subtypes that help explain why people of the same type can look so different.\\xa0 For each type, there is the self-preservation subtype, social subtype, and the one-to-one subtype.

Today\\u2019s guest, former journalist Kayla Craig, joins me in a conversation about how understanding her subtype as a social Eight has illuminated different aspects of her personality and influenced her interactions with her family and others.\\xa0 She provides wonderful insight into her relationship with emotions and what the soul of an Eight looks like.

We also explore:

  • the distinctive characteristics of the social Eight subtype vs. the self-preservation and one-to-one subtypes
  • why social Eights can be mistyped as Enneagram Twos, and
  • the transformational journey for Eights

This episode is chock full of wisdom. You\'re going to love it!
