Episode 4: Tsh Oxenreider (Enneagram 4), The Art (and Angst) of Living an Unconventional Life

Published: July 27, 2017, 7 a.m.


Most Enneagram teachers I know say Enneagram Nines are the least complicated of all numbers on the Enneagram, while Fours are\\xa0the\\xa0most complicated number\\xa0on the Enneagram. With Fours, what\\xa0you see is never what you get. There\\u2019s always layers and layers of stuff going\\xa0on beneath\\xa0their surface.
On today\\u2019s episode of Typology, I\\xa0talk\\xa0with popular blogger, podcaster, author, and fellow\\xa0Enneagram Four, Tsh Oxenreider. This conversation is a blast and I think you\\u2019re going to love it. And you\\u2019re going to learn some really helpful things about Fours in the process.
Connect with Tsh at her website, TheArtOfSimple.com, and be sure to check out her new book,\\xa0At Home in the World. Oh and after you\\u2019ve finished listening to our conversation, be sure and check out Tsh\\u2019s wonderful podcast,\\xa0The Simple Show.
To download a PDF of a chapter from Ian\'s\\xa0book\\xa0called Finding Your Type, visit\\xa0TypologyPodcast.com. You can\\xa0follow us on\\xa0Twitter,\\xa0Instagram\\xa0and\\xa0Facebook. And if you like the show, we\\u2019d love for you to go over to\\xa0Apple Podcasts\\xa0and leave us a review. It helps us know what you think, and it helps others find out about the show.

