Episode 172 - VoiceFlow Changes and Solutions

Published: Nov. 16, 2023, 4 p.m.


Mark Tucker and Allen Firstenberg delve into the recent changes made by VoiceFlow. We explore how VoiceFlow, originally a design resource for Alexa Skills and Google Assistant Actions, has evolved and shifted to include chatbot roles and generative AI responses. Highlighted too are the implications of VoiceFlow's decoupling and transition to 'bot logic as a service'. We look at the necessary technical adjustments and solutions required in the aftermath of these changes, and Mark shares how he created a Jovo plugin as a hassle-free 'integration layer' for handling multiple platforms, taking advantage of Jovo's generic input output.



More info:

  • https://github.com/jovo-community/jovo4-voiceflowdialog-app
  • \\n


00:04 Introduction


00:54 Introducing VoiceFlow


01:44 Exploring VoiceFlow's Evolution


03:13 Understanding VoiceFlow's Changes


05:39 Explaining the VoiceFlow Integration


14:39 Discussing the VoiceFlow Dialog API


25:42 Conclusion
