TOS200: Mary's Last Days - Anne Catherine Emmerich

Published: March 5, 2022, 9 a.m.


This episode describes the last days of the Blessed Virgin Mother through the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine as recorded in the journal of Clement Brentano (edited by Very Rev. C.E. Schm\\xf6ger, CSSR, published in 1914] narrated by Patti Brunner of Truth of the Spirit. Mary\\u2019s Last Days includes descriptions of Mary\\u2019s house in Ephesus, her death and her Assumption. Excerpts are taken from \\u201cThe Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Volume IV\\u201d.

Life_of_Our_Lord_Jesus_Christ_Vol_IV.pdf (

Playlist: Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich - Excerpts from her Visions - YouTube


