TOS081: Patriarchs of the Old Testament

Published: Aug. 8, 2019, 8 a.m.


The Patriarchs show a way to seek God and to share our lives with him. On Truth of the Spirit,\\xa0host Patti Brunner discusses the Patriarchs of the Old Testament starting with Abraham, our\\xa0Father of Faith, and then continue the blood line. I\\u2019m going to tell their story. I will show you how\\xa0they foreshadow Christ and the Church. The Lord chose one man and then touched members of\\xa0his family as faith continues to be handed down to the generations. This model is used over and\\xa0over throughout history and is the basis for our Church. As Abraham\\xa0 connected with God and\\xa0lives were changed so, too, those of the modern world. Sometimes the plan of God is hidden and\\xa0not realized until it is reflected upon by later generations. The Patriarchs lived lives touched by\\xa0hardship and decisions, by passion and mistakes that affected them and by the influence of the\\xa0world around them.
