TOS071: Sharing Your Witness - Sharing the Abundant Life (Part II)

Published: May 30, 2019, 8 a.m.


There is a blessing that comes forth when those who seek the Face of God share what they have been given. This includes sharing your witness. In this episode, Patti Brunner will give you pointers in preparing your witness and the benefits of Sharing the Abundant Life. Stewardship is not a \\u2018to do\\u2019 that we accomplish then cross it off the list. Its purpose is to connect us with Jesus. When you grow in understanding, you begin to comprehend truth in ways that you never realized. When your heart is moved by God\\u2019s love, it is an important moment in your life. Whatever you say, speak from the heart. Share truth; truth sets hearts free. When a difficult time in your life is overcome by the mercy and grace of God, it can become a witness sharing point. You can\\u2019t imagine the blessings that will flow as you recognize the presence of God in your life and then share that with others.
