TOS061: Lenten Logos I - The Cross

Published: March 21, 2019, 8 a.m.


Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to gain understanding of the Cross in this Lenten Logos series. A primary tool\\xa0used to cultivate us during Lent is meditation on the Cross and the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Way of the\\xa0Cross makes evident that the life of Christ had a purpose more than that of a rabbi or a King. Jesus was those things,\\xa0indeed, but his life had a much grander plan. As you walk the walk in your daily life, Christ walks with you. As you walk
the walk of the Cross you are given the opportunity to walk with Him. Each passage, each stumble, each encounter\\xa0along the way, points to the love Jesus shows to his Father for those whom the Father loves. We can take these\\xa0moments and apply them to our own lives. We can apply them to the very history of mankind.
