TOS058: Basics of Faith VI - Priest, Prophet, and King

Published: Feb. 28, 2019, 9 a.m.


Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Laity\\u2019s Role\\xa0as Priest, Prophet and King. Jesus provides the example for us to lead an abundant life as Priest, Prophet, and King. Jesus is the High Priest. There is a ministerial priesthood and a common priesthood. A\\xa0priest is someone who connects man to God and God to man. According to our baptism, that is one of our\\xa0duties as a Christian. What\\u2019s a prophet? A prophet is someone who hears the voice of God and shares\\xa0what God says. What is a King? Someone in charge of others by royal birthright, and their duty is to\\xa0protect, provide and expand the kingdom and to be a good steward. Jesus gives us the example.
