TOS049: Conclusion Retreat with Fr. Phillip Scott - Come to the Water Part VI

Published: Dec. 27, 2018, 9 a.m.


Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for the conclusion of Come to the Water retreat given by Fr.\\xa0Phillip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center to the Arkansas Charismatic Leaders.
Our nature says \\u201cWhat can I do for God?\\u201d To go deeper the Lord asks us: \\u201cWhat can I do for\\xa0you?\\u201d Say \\u201cFiat\\u201d, say \\u201cYes\\u201d, to his good work in us; it encompasses everything. When we reject or\\xa0complain we delay his work in us. We are like a tea cup God is making. It starts with a lump of\\xa0clay and each process seems to hurt and beyond our understanding but after being subjected to\\xa0firing it is beautiful. Our wounds make us know that we need God. Don\\u2019t\\xa0 desire to trade your\\xa0experiences; they are allowed and designed and used by God for you to be who you are.\\xa0Difficulties drive us toward God! Adoration discloses who we really are. Anything good in us is\\xa0Jesus. Everything else that needs converting is us. James 3:17-18. Righteousness is sown in\\xa0peacefulness. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers. Isaiah 30:15 \\u201cBy waiting and by calm
you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust shall be your strength.\\u201d

For more of Fr. Philip Scott\\u2019s great teaching:
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To donate to Fr. Philip\\u2019s mission or to read more of Fr. Philip Scott\\u2019s ministry his website is
