TOS048: Come to the Water Part V

Published: Dec. 20, 2018, 9 a.m.


Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for Part 4 of the retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott in Arkansas at\\xa0Subiaco Coury House\\xa0 Retreat Center.

In this portion of \\u201cCome to the Water\\u201d, Fr. Philip Scott\\u2019s focus is on Blessed Mother Mary and\\xa0her motherhood, the help of saints, and benefits of adoration. Fr. Philip Scott shares that we are\\xa0given Blessed Mother Mary as our mother because we need God\\u2019s love in a maternal way. When\\xa0there are problems at home, the children are not noticed. The Lord and Mary will notice us in the\\xa0adoration chapel. They look at us. To mother others, you have to be\\xa0 mothered. Our Lady wants\\xa0to especially be the mother in your mothering. Ask Blessed Mother Mary to mother you. The\\xa0power of God will come in our admission of weakness. The Saints have chosen us. Fr. Philip\\xa0Scott says to look at feast days of the saints on the important dates of your life to see which saints\\xa0have chosen you. Let the saints become your extended family. God is lifting the veil to receive\\xa0the assistance from heaven with or without merit.

Fr. Philip Scott highly recommends adoration, at least an hour a day for retired people. Fr. Philip\\xa0spends three to four hours a day in adoration. Our senses are being overwhelmed by noise that\\xa0dulls us and makes us lose our desire for silence. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. He is\\xa0waiting for us. Jesus wants to prepare us in adoration to face difficult situations. The pain in our\\xa0joints is one of the gifts we are given to tame this world. \\u201cLong-suffering\\u201d is usually a preparation\\xa0for a great grace.

For more of Fr. Philip Scott\\u2019s great teaching:
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To donate to Fr. Philip\\u2019s mission or to read more of Fr. Philip Scott\\u2019s ministry his website is\\xa0
