TOS041: The Sacraments - Baptism

Published: Sept. 12, 2019, 8 a.m.


Patti Brunner brings you Baptism, the final sacrament of the Catholic series: The Eucharist and Other Sacraments.\\xa0Baptism brings life, eternity with God, and the grace to fulfill his plan to rescue those affected by choices made.\\xa0Redemption allows the indwelling of God within the heart of man in relationship not just as Creator and created. The\\xa0water\\u2014symbol of life, of cleansing, of power, of grace is the sign of this sacrament. This episode keys in on the\\xa0transformation and adoptive sonship. When man receives the grace of salvation time stands still and eternity enters the\\xa0soul. Through Baptism the life that was meant to be is thus entered and the life to be lived in abundance is begun.

