Paradise (2021) Week 1/2 | How Hot Is It?

Published: Aug. 26, 2021, 7 a.m.


Paradise is back and so is TTBP with guest Katie Murphy!! Sorry to worry anyone who thought this season may not be covered, but I would never do that to you and I would never do that to David Spade and Lance Bass. While it's a good cast this season, it is a bit concerning how level-headed and mature everyone is being. Obviously, we wish you all love and happiness, but would it kill you to get in a fight here or there along the way? With most people coupled up this early on, it will be interesting to see who else walks down those steps to stir the pot. Demi can't carry all of the drama on her shoulders this long! Someone help the girl out. No matter what happens, at least we all know one thing to be true, Tre's uncle will not be watching this season.


New episodes during Paradise come out every Thursday!
