Paradise (2019) Week 2 | In The Area with Josh Malmuth (Abby's, New Girl, Superstore)

Published: Aug. 15, 2019, 7 a.m.


Where do we even begin? Dean is back, JPJ is reciting poetry, Nicole is basically the Bachelorette, and everyone on this beach is wearing tennis shoes?! We don\'t know what\'s more offensive, socks and shoes in paradise or how Blake treats women. Josh Malmuth joins (Abby\'s, New Girl, Superstore) TTBP this week to review all the couples and singles of paradise, and also Cam, who is his own kind. Between Katie\'s confusing tears and Clay\'s tight five, there is a lot to figure out, like who is our next Bachelor going to be??? But as always, we had the help of Queen Demi to explain all. Maybe she can explain what exactly Christian used to hang up that pi\\xf1ata, because it certainly wasn\'t tape.


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