Bachelorette (2021) E8 | Love Fest

Published: July 28, 2021, 7 a.m.


Welcome to Hometowns!!!!!! Just kidding! It\'s actually Men Tell All, and that is not even the first lie Sarah has told this season, but more on that later. TTBP this week was so lucky to be joined by dear friends-of-the-pod, Drew and Maggie, who made us forget all about how boring MTA was and reminded us that what\'s really important is bromance. We also discuss how Michael A should definitely not be our next Bachelor and some potentially problematic taglines from Million Dollar Matchmaker? But none of that is even nearly as offensive as Sarah getting Andrew\'s profession wrong for an ENTIRE SEASON. Please respect my privacy at this time. 


If you\'re in the St. Louis area, check out The DentaLink!


Maggie\'s books are available on Amazon! "Why, God?: Suffering Through Cancer into Faith" and "Skinny or Not, Here I Come: A Memoir of an Eating Disorder and Recovery Journey"
