Bachelorette (2020) E10 | A Tale of 3 Stories

Published: Dec. 17, 2020, 8 a.m.


Technically, we get that there were only two episodes this week.. technically. But actually, there were three so get on board. First, pre-hometowns where we see Tayshia do something we\'ve been waiting for her to do for weeks - send Blake home. Poor bud, it\'s gonna be okay, but it was your time. Second, we have the Men Tell All, where they actually only told a little because there were so few of them there and the whole time they basically yelled at Yosef. But we were HERE. FOR. IT. Thirdly, "hometowns" in La Quinta. Where we really only have one thing to say... which is Tayshia, how dare you? TTBP is back for another double(triple?) header next week!
