What Lurks Inside The Walls: Hidden Rooms (From Strange & Unexplained)

Published: April 7, 2022, 10 a.m.


\\nFAM!! Season 2 of the Obsessed Network Original Podcast "Strange & Unexplained With Daisy Eagan" launches today!
\\nIn case you aren\'t familiar, \\u201cStrange & Unexplained is a podcast about all the things that make us wonder. Each week host Daisy Eagan tells the tale of something strange\\u2013sometimes it\\u2019s paranormal like a haunting or alien encounter, other times it Earthly like an unexplained disappearance or an unsolved murder. But it\\u2019s always a twisted tale of something just beyond what we can easily understand.\\xa0 And each story is told with Daisy\\u2019s trademark blend of\\xa0 humor, sass, and skepticism.\\xa0
\\nIn this episode, Daisy investigates what lurks inside the walls - Hidden Rooms:\\xa0
\\nHave you ever had one of those dreams where you discover other rooms in your\\xa0
\\napartment? Like, suddenly there\\u2019s a door you never noticed before, and beyond it
\\nis all the extra space you always wish you had? Or maybe you\\u2019ve had the\\xa0
\\nnightmare version where you open your closet door and instead of your clothes,\\xa0
\\nyou\\u2019re looking at some kind of medieval torture dungeon. What would you do if\\xa0
\\nyou actually found a hole in your home leading to somewhere else.\\xa0
\\nFind and follow "Strange And Unexplained With Daisy Eagan" wherever you get your podcasts.