0411 | Federal & Tribal Lands

Published: Feb. 18, 2021, 10:08 p.m.

We take a look at the final three Washington State Doe cases and possible missing persons matches. The investigations take us back to Fort Lewis, trailheads, Mormon churches, abandoned houses, the NAMUS-44, and the Washington-Oregon state line; setting us up for a very fast-paced and information dense second half of the season. TCB returns on March 4th. // For more information about the Charley Project Fundraiser: www.cpfundraiser.com. //.

Written, researched, and produced by Josh Hallmark. //.

With research by Andrew French and Michelle Kaszuba, and research assistance by Michelle Tooker and Shana Wilensky. //.

Resources include: NAMUS, The Charley Project, The Redmond Reporter, Strange Outdoors, Oregon Live, KZLY-TV, and The Guardian //.

Music by: William Hellfire, Blear Moon, Lee Rosevere, Puddle of Infinity, Chris Zabriskie, Sergey Cheremisinov, and Art in Manila //

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