Liberia - A Journey Home

Published: April 18, 2022, 6:10 p.m.

b"Traveling Culturati: Travel News, Ja'Vonne's Travel Minute & The Culture Report!\\n\\xa0\\nA conversation with three gentle, two of whom are American who have moved to Liberia. They tell their journey to Liberia and their quest for the Journey Home Festival. Guests are Saqar Ahhah Ahershu (Amir James) is from Jersey City NJ, co-founder of M.C. W.A.R. a live and virtual event company and co-founder of the Journey Home Festival. .Den Tut Rayay (Arall Charles) from Brooklyn NY a real estate investor and co founder of M.C. W.A.R. and the Journey Home Festival .\\xa0Professor Martin Scott a professor at Liberia University in Monrovia, and advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on European Affairs"