I Visited All 50 States - Demetrias Brown

Published: Nov. 4, 2021, 7:44 p.m.

b'On\\xa0TRAVELING CULTURATI this week: An interview with Demetrias Brown "I Visited All 50 States"\\nDemetrias Brown, affectionately known as\\xa0Aunt Mimi, is a multitalented photographer, early childhood professional, trainer, notary, CNA, GNA, gardener,\\xa0and world traveler, based in the Washington, D.C. area.\\nShe recently completed her quest to visit all 50 states and is sharing her journey with us and how she rehabbed a trailer and joined Black Girls Camp!\\n\\nOn The Culture Report: Soraya Al Olama, Market Lead for\\xa0Dubai Tourism\\xa0chats with Ja\\u2019Vonne over lunch on \\u201cWhy Dubai\\u201d is a top destination and the fabulousness of Expo 2020!\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nPlus\\xa0Travel News\\xa0with the latest travel news, and\\xa0Ja\'Vonne\'s Travel Minute on Don\'t Be Afraid To Ask For An Upgrade.'