TMPToW: Wildcat Chris Harris

Published: Aug. 26, 2016, 4 a.m.

This Friday on The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling, John and Chad are joined by former TNA Wrestling star "Wildcat" Chris Harris. Seeing success in the early days of TNA, Harris made a name for himself during the "Asylum" years as a member of the tag team known as America's Most Wanted alongside his partner "Cowboy" James Storm. As a team, AMW dominated TNA and the tag team scene for quite a number of years. However, it was the Wildcat's jump from TNA to WWE's ECW that took his career in another direction. Repackaged as "Braden Walker," Harris was given a subpar persona that seemingly was destined to fail before it ever had a chance to evolve. In a rare interview, Harris lashes out at WWE's creative and the company's lack of effort to invest any time into developing a story for character.

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