TMPToW: Brian Knobbs

Published: June 4, 2015, 4 a.m.

Today The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast is headed down to Nasty-ville and it's one trip we may not come back from as we welcome in one half of the legendary tag team, The Nasty Boys the one and only Brian Knobbs. Knobbs joins us to discuss the huge Legends of Wrestling event Sunday June 7th at Citi Field in New York featuring some of the biggest names in the history of professional wrestling. From great stories about learning from Curt Hennig in the AWA to The Nasty Boys' brutal matches with the Steiner Brothers we get a first hand account by Knobbs of working with some of the finest tag teams that ever graced the squared circle. Strap in and it's time to get NASTY...

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