Episode 70: New Generation Declassified: The Macho Shoot

Published: April 13, 2022, 4 a.m.

b'Today\'s New Generation Declassified follows up on last week\'s episode about Radio WWF. This time the focus is on the October 16, 1993 edition of Radio WWF hosted by Jim Ross and Johnny Polo featuring a shoot style interview with Macho Man Randy Savage. Following the transcript of this first of its kind interview on WWF airwaves, The Chadster and Mike Durband discuss the allegations made by the Macho Man about his "brother" Hulk Hogan. These shoot comments include Savage\'s belief that Hulk Hogan and his wife Linda may have led to the breaking up of the "Macho" marriage between Randy and Elizabeth. Plus, the Hulk\'s movie career and steroid use are discussed in a way you would never expect on a WWF production nearly 30 years ago. For a look at the transcript click this link: https://www.scribd.com/doc/249451707/Randy-Savage-Radio-WWF-Transcript-Wrestling-Flyer-10-93'