Episode 542: Coliseum CHAD #2: History & video store buyouts

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 5:16 a.m.

b'The journey back to Coliseum Video for Chad takes a direct route through the TMPT Empire and co-founder, John Poz. John and Chad\'s days of riding through New Jersey and the tri-state area get the episode #2 treatment as "The Chadster" looks at the second biggest phase of collecting, the college years. It was during a time that video stores began to scale back and close their doors that the direct purchases hit an all-time high, but how has the market changed since 2002/2003? Did eBay help collecting videos or did it make it tougher to find what you were looking? \\xa0Also, a look at the history of Coliseum Video and the founders Arthur Morowitz and Howard Farber.'