Episode 124: TMPT Feature Show: Brian Solomon

Published: Feb. 24, 2022, 5:16 a.m.

b'Today\'s Feature episode of The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling is with Author and wrestling Historian Brian Solomon. The Blood and Fire: The Unbelievable Real-Life Story of Wrestling\'s Original Sheik, author joins the show to talk about his brand new book. (www.amazon.com/Blood-Fire-Unbelievable-Real-Life-Wrestlings/dp/1770415807/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2XZBHNYDNH82I&keywords=blood+and+fire+the+sheik&qid=1645644709&s=books&sprefix=blood+and+fire%2Cstripbooks%2C119&sr=1-1). Host John Poz and Brian will discuss writing the book, the Sheik behind the scenes, the Sheik as the greatest heel of all time, his entire career, promoting shows, the current day wrestling product, and so much more!Follow us on Twitter and IG @TwoManPowerTrip'