Scrum Got 3 People Fired From A Software Project!

Published: July 17, 2018, midnight


Over my career I\'ve seen many software projects fail spectacularly due to political infighting between team members.

Blame-shifting and improper application of scrum got people fired on this one!

I prefer a simple definition of politics: when people tell each other what they want to hear instead of the truth.

I\'d like to share the story of a software project I worked on, where the client was a non-profit company with a big budget. They wanted to redesign a major application used to help struggling educational institutions.

But the staff were inexperienced with agile. And multiple contractors on the project were fighting.

In this episode, I share how inexperience with software development processes can actually get people fired.

Especially when there\'s politics.

You can also\\xa0watch this episode on YouTube.\\xa0

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