Jayme Returns to Coach Healthy Developers!

Published: April 27, 2022, 12:38 p.m.

b'Can you believe it\'s been 3 years since I made an episode? Yeah you can - you\'ve been asking me to come back. Sorry! I just wasn\'t ready yet. I got clean from marijuana addiction in 2019 but it\'s taken me a lot longer than I\'d hoped to get better. At least better enough to come back on YouTube. In the meantime, I\'ve met with about 200 people all over the world to learn better how to help you with software development career issues. There were a lot of things I thought I understood. And some of them I did. But it was humbling to realize many problems you\'re having with your career are forcing me to step up and learn again.

You may notice this video looks different! I\'ve collected some gear over Craigslist and whatnot to try and create a more interesting look for our time together. I hope you like it. I\'ll be tweaking it over time as I make more videos about Healthy Software Development.

I should mention, thank you for blowing up my channel over a year ago! The video "Why do so many programmers lose hope?" got recommended by a well known programming channel and within a short period, the channel grew 10x! I\'m not someone who believes the number of subscribers determines the value of content, but it sure helps me to know you care.

In the next episode, I\'ll be talking about learning from people who\'ve made mistakes. Chief among them - me! I see a real problem in our culture right now with developers and other people in IT only looking to people with a fake persona of having all the answers or being flawless.

You can also\\xa0watch this episode on YouTube.\\xa0

Episode timelinks:

00:00 Introduction
01:33 Where I\'ve been
02:44 I\'m still having health challenges
03:55 The channel purpose hasn\'t changed 04:48 I\'m career coaching now
07:30 I\'ll focus on career outcomes that work 09:45 Channel production changes
09:51 The channel blew up 10x!
11:40 Thank you for your support
13:13 The next video is about...

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