I Quit My Software Project To Get Healthy!

Published: Feb. 9, 2019, midnight


Have you ever had to quit a good software project...because you figured out you\\xa0weren\'t going to be successful\\xa0in your role?

I had the opportunity to help two consulting companies try and rescue a troubled software project for a client. Though I was originally brought in to help figure out how much work was left to do, I found myself in the position of being "the expert" once again.

Because of politics, deadlines, and challenges with the maturity of the companies understanding agile - I found myself overwhelmed. Though I continually tried to reset expectations and get help, I decided eventually that\\xa0it was better to move on.

Have you ever been on a good project, with good people, only to find when you really think about it you\'re not effective in your current role? Did you have a hard time getting support from management to make the changes necessary?

You can also\\xa0watch this episode on YouTube.\\xa0

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