How Agile Teams Grow Toxic! Ep. 3 Forecasting

Published: Feb. 22, 2019, midnight


"Drop dead" dates!\xa0

Changing the schedule to meet "new requirements"!\xa0

Do you ever think there's gotta be a better way to do this?\xa0

Well there is, and today I want to share with you some information about a topic that often bores software developers...\xa0

But in my experience of working with many teams and companies, when developers are frustrated on their project - it is this topic that's often the culprit.\xa0

In this video I discuss how people who pay for software development projects forecast.\xa0

Before you bail, if you hang with me on this video you'll know more than many agile coaches and product managers about why investing in software projects is unique!\xa0

I'll share the dangers of traditional forecasting on software projects - and an alternative way to give investors confidence.\xa0

You can also\xa0watch this episode on YouTube.\xa0

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