Episode 155 - A Comedian Walks into a Jungian Podcast...

Published: March 18, 2021, 4 a.m.


Elliott Morgan, comedian and PhD candidate in depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, joins us to explore humor and psyche. Elliott grew up a fundamentalist Christian in central Florida, and has gone from practicing holy laughter to creating HOLY SH*T, his comedy special on Amazon (also featuring Jung\\u2019s debut on the comedic stage).

Elliott\\u2019s college major, zoology, prepared him to play Goofy at Disney World and Big Bird on Hollywood Blvd. A recovering Nice Person, Elliott draws on life experiences, relentlessly engages shadow, and uses laughter to turn suffering into soul making. Hitting rock bottom led to the choice not to fall back into old patterns but to fall forward; Elliott\\u2019s new life features avocado toast and other radical practices. Jung, quoting Schopenhauer, said, \\u201cA sense of humor is the only divine quality of man,\\u201d and Elliott\\u2019s storytelling and self-disclosure define the alchemy of fellowship, insight, and human spirit.

Elliott\\u2019s podcasts, The Valleycast and The Fundamentalists, are additional paths to laughter and transcendence (see\\xa0 YouTube.com/ElliottMorgan). Elliott will perform live in Washington State at the Spokane Comedy Club on June 23 and at the Tacoma Comedy Club on June 24.\\xa0\\xa0



I am taking a ballet class in a room in a famous building in NYC. The room is shaped like my old apartment in Brooklyn. The building is by the water and there are windows but no good views. It\\u2019s dark, rainy and storming outside. The class becomes full and crowded, too crowded to really dance. I feel content, I feel like I\\u2019m home.

The room is dark. I can\\u2019t make out anyone\\u2019s faces, including my ballet teacher\\u2019s face. Soon the rain starts to seep into the room. The floors are getting wet. It seems like the room is caving in and I am scared that the old building is falling over from the rain. I worry that the floors are getting ruined with the rain but my ballet teacher doesn\\u2019t seem worried.

We all leave the room. I am worried we are running out of time and the building will collapse. No one else seems scared. There are two exits: the elevator or the stairs. The elevator looks dangerous because the rain is seeping in and the elevator runs on electricity. The stairwell shows that we are on the 43 or 44th floor of the building. The stairs are flooded and look slippery. But I think the stairs are safer than taking the elevator.



Lionel Corbett. The Soul in Anguish: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Anguish-Psychotherapeutic-Approaches-Suffering/dp/1630512354/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Lionel+Corbett&qid=1615307691&s=books&sr=1-4

Marie Louise von Franz. The Way of the Dream: https://www.amazon.com/Way-Dream-Conversations-Interpretation-Marie-Louise/dp/1570620369/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3F5CZQDKTYDOQ&dchild=1&keywords=the+way+of+the+dream+von+franz&qid=1615308096&sprefix=The+Way+of+the+Dream%2Caps%2C168&sr=8-1

Edward Edinger. Anatomy of the Psyche. https://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Psyche-Alchemical-Symbolism-Psychotherapy/dp/B07NYBGGNT/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Edward+Edinger&qid=1615307612&sr=8-6

Peter Berger. A Rumor of Angels

Peter Rollins. Divine Magician, Insurrection
