"Macaca" (2006) w/ Peter Hamby

Published: Aug. 10, 2021, 11:30 a.m.


It\\u2019s August 10th. This day in 2006, Virginia Senator George Allen is caught on tape referring to S.R. Sidarth, a young man filming his event, as \\u201cmacaca.\\u201d This video became an early viral moment and helped lead to Allen\\u2019s defeat later that fall \\u2014 showing how viral video could transform politics.


Jody, Niki, and Kellie are joined by Peter Hamby of Snapchat and Puck News to discuss the incident, how the internet was changing politics in the mid-2000s, and whether Allen\\u2019s comments would have been so controversial today.


Find a transcript of this episode at:\\xa0https://tinyurl.com/esoterichistory


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