Navigating Fundraising Challenges: Insights from Whizz's Co-founder Mike Peregudov, Post $1.5M Seed Extension

Published: Aug. 15, 2023, 2 a.m.

b"Mike Peregudov shared his experience of overcoming fundraising challenges and offered valuable insights on the importance of a structured process, tailored pitches, and incorporating the company's vision and mission. We'll delve into Mike's journey, practical advice, and data-driven insights to help founders navigate the fundraising landscape.(00:06:35) But this current seed round extension we raised mostly from early stage funds and angel investors and they are not that mission and vision is not that important for them.\\n\\nQUOTE\\n(00:12:49) Our monthly updates, we build them like beautiful PDFs and a lot of news inside, quite honest, being honest there being sharing a lot of details. And these monthly updates converted few investors for sure, maybe even more than few. Like, I don't know, 30% of our investors came after getting three to four monthly updates from us."