Universal Basic Sex

Published: May 3, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

b'Universal Basic Happiness, Part 1\\n\\nLast Weekend, Robin Hanson stirred things up by inquiring why the people concerned about income inequality aren\\u2019t worried about other forms of inequality:\\n\\nThose w/ less access to sex plausibly suffer similarly to those with low income, & might similarly hope to organize to lobby for redistribution along this axis. Strikingly, I see little overlap between those concerned about income & sex inequality.\\xa0\\n\\nhttps://bit.ly/2HMKlyF\\n\\nPhil and Stephen discuss: If Universal Basic Income becomes a thing, will Universal Basic Sex be next?\\n\\nIt would be a difficult solution to implement. Some of the hysterical reactions have been that Robin is calling for rape and/or sexual slavery to cure the sex inequality.\\xa0\\n\\nCould universal basic sex be managed in such a way that it protected individual freedom and dignity?\\n\\nSex bots, anyone?\\xa0 We will come back to sexbots in a later podcast.\\n\\nMeanwhile, here\\u2019s a much bigger inequality: happiness.\\n\\nSome people are a lot happier than others. Some just seem to have happy dispositions. Doesn\\u2019t that transcend most other inequalities? Think about it:\\n\\nThere are poor people who are happy.\\n\\nThere are rich people who are miserable.\\n\\nThey are people who have a lot of sex who hate their lives.\\n\\nThere are people who are completely celibate who love every minute of their lives.\\n\\nRelated: Why $50,000 May Be the (New) Happiness Tipping Point\\n\\nhttps://ti.me/2eMg09t\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nSo if happiness is the big inequality, how do we fix it?\\n\\nWe\\u2019ll explore further in part 2.\\n\\nWT 433-746\\n\\nEternity Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0\\n\\nImages from Pixabay.com and other sources.'