Stem Cells Made to Order

Published: Feb. 10, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

b'Phil and Stephen review more reasons that this is a great time to be alive. The little lizard with the big genome. Making skins cells into stem cells -- three different ways! The check-in procedure that could save your life. PLUS Geekout: deciphering the Voynich manuscript via AI.\\n\\nThe Smiling Axolotl Hides a Secret: A Giant Genome\\n\\nScientists have decoded the genome of the axolotl, the Mexican amphibian with a Mona Lisa smile. It has 32 billion base pairs, which makes it ten times the size of the human genome, and the largest genome ever sequenced.\\n\\nAxolotl genome sequenced, revealing regeneration genes\\n\\nResearchers create first stem cells using CRISPR genome activation\\n\\nIn a scientific first, researchers at the Gladstone Institutes turned skin cells from mice into stem cells by activating a specific gene in the cells using CRISPR technology. The innovative approach offers a potentially simpler technique to produce the valuable cell type and provides important insights into the cellular reprogramming process.\\n\\nGoogle is using 46 billion data points to predict the medical outcomes of hospital patients\\n\\nSome of Google\\u2019s top AI researchers are trying to predict your medical outcome as soon as you\\u2019re admitted to the hospital.\\n\\nGEEKOUT\\n\\nArtificial Intelligence May Have Cracked Freaky 600-Year-Old Manuscript\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nWT 402-715\\n\\nEternity Kevin MacLeod (\\n\\nLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\\n\\'