Understanding NISTs Secure Software Development Framework

Published: July 26, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'What exactly is a Software Development Life Cycle, and how does NIST\\u2019s Secure Software Development Framework impact that cycle and your organization? Of note, the SSDF will definitely impact you if your software is used by the US Government and will likely impact you even if it isn\\u2019t. There are a few choice practices that can help make sense of these two critical processes and provide the highest chance for success. I invited Elzar Camper, Director of Cyber Security Solutions & Practices at Pivot Point Security, onto the show to unpack SDLCs, the SSDF and lay out the shifting landscape of government regulations and software development. Join us as we discuss:

  • Defining SDLC\\u2019s and the SSDF
  • Four core best practices in cybersecurity
  • Assessing existing procedures and adapting to the SSDF
  • How you can use the SSDF to your advantage
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