The Secrets to Keeping Your SaaS Secure

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 4:53 p.m.

b'SaaS is a great business to be in.\\xa0 \\xa0 But whether you\\u2019re a startup or a mature company\\u2026\\xa0 \\xa0 Your product is only as good as your security.\\xa0 \\xa0 Today\\u2019s guest, Ryan Buckley, has advised SaaS firms for a number of years. He joins me to discuss how to address SaaS security and keep your product \\u2014 and reputation \\u2014 secure.\\xa0 \\xa0 What we talked about: \\xa0 - Why code repositories are an issue \\xa0 - Why product security is as important as infrastructure security \\xa0 - Senior leadership\\u2019s role in security.

To hear this episode, and many more like it, you can subscribe to The Virtual CISO Podcast here. \\xa0 If you don\\u2019t use Apple Podcasts, you can find all our episodes here.'