How EDR & NDR Help You Make Better Security Decisions with Chris Neyhuis

Published: May 26, 2021, 9:50 p.m.

b'Remember those halcyon days when you could just stick an antivirus on your desktop and not worry \\u2014 before all these confusing initialisms like EDR and NDR\\u2026.
Well, turns out, they aren\\u2019t as complicated as you may think.
And I can\\u2019t think of anyone more qualified to explain why than Chris Nyhuis, President and CEO at Vigilant, who joins the show to shine some light on why the old-fashioned AV is seen as a relic of the past \\u2014 and whether the new tools that have replaced it are buzzwords or brilliance.
We discuss: - How EDR differs from AV - What NDR and ENDR are - The pros and cons of automating security - Why compliance isn\\u2019t enough

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