31. A Brief History of NIST Guidance

Published: Oct. 22, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'ISO 27001, CMMC, NIST 800-53\\u2026 \\xa0 Keeping track of the myriad security guidelines can be tricky. \\xa0 Especially when you don\\u2019t know the \\u201cwhy\\u201d behind them.\\xa0 \\xa0 To help clear things up, in this episode, I speak with the preeminent expert on NIST guidelines, Dr. Ron Ross, Fellow at National Institute of Standards and Technology, and learn not just what the guidelines are \\u2014 but how and why they came to be that way.\\xa0 \\xa0 Ron and I discuss: \\xa0 - The \\u201cWhy\\u201d behind NIST guidance \\xa0 - How certification standards like ISO 27001 relate to NIST 800-53 and map to each other \\xa0 - How NIST balances policy and technical-level considerations \\xa0 To hear this episode, and many more like it, you can subscribe to The Virtual CISO Podcast here. \\xa0 If you don\\u2019t use Apple Podcasts, you can find all our episodes here.'