1. CMMC: What You Need to Know About DoD Cybersecurity Regulation w/ Katie Arrington

Published: Feb. 25, 2020, 6 a.m.

Katie Arrington is THE expert in the national cyber security battle.\xa0 As CISO for Acquisition and Sustainment at the United States Department of Defense, she\u2019s well beyond needing analogies to understand cyber security news and trends. Yet, she had the best one on hand to explain Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC, for short). \u201cAt the end of the day, the CMMC is your cyber driver\u2019s license to participate in the DoD supply chain.\u201d Katie is the very first guest of the Virtual CISO podcast. She joined John Verry to discuss recent changes to verifying contractors\u2019 ability to protect unclassified information. We also chat about:

  • How the Department of Defense CMMC program will ensure the supply chain is properly protecting unclassified sensitive information
  • When RFP\u2019s will begin requiring CMMC certification
  • How and when CMMC audits will begin
  • What companies should do now to remain viable and competitive
Reach out to Katie: katherine.arrington.civ@mail.mil
You can find this interview (and many more to come) by subscribing to The Virtual CISO Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.