The Veteran Gamers Interview - The Walking Dead's Lee and Kenny

Published: Jan. 30, 2013, 5:45 p.m.

b"That's right, this week I am joined by Dave Fennoy and Gavin Hammon who play Lee and Kenny in The Walking Dead video game, we discussed all aspects of being a voice actor in the industry and their roles within The Walking Dead.\\n\\nAgain please be aware that this interview does contain SPOILERS for the game.\\n\\nEnjoy.\\n\\nHere are Dave and Gavin's social media details:\\n\\nDave Fennoy:\\n\\nTwitter - @DaveFennoy\\n\\nFacebook - Dave Fennoy\\n\\nGavin Hammon:\\n\\nTwitter - @gavinhammon\\n\\nFacebook - Gavin Hammon VO"