The Veteran Gamers Episode 82 - A Swift Kick In The Nuts...

Published: Aug. 4, 2011, 7:52 p.m.

b'Welcome to show 82.\\n\\nThis week Duke has gone back to Fallout New Vegas and checked out the From Dust demo, Chinny finally got around to playing Shadow Complex and also got his teeth into Operation Flashpoint Red River and The Daddy played From Dust, EDF Insect Armageddon and Lets Golf 3D.\\n\\nVlados is back and she was angry at being excluded last week, but still gives us Star Ninja to play, we also discuss the drastic measures that Nintendo are taking regarding the slow start for the 3DS and we talk some news.\\n\\nWe round out the show with more Egg Timer Topics and emails.\\n\\nEnjoy.\\n\\nDon\\u2019t for get to follow us on twitter @veterangamersuk and if you have any opinions or questions, send Emails to:\\n\\\\n\\nGamertags\\n\\nChinny \\u2013 360 ChinChinny, PS3 Chinny1985,\\n\\nThe Daddy \\u2013 360 Big Daddy Blast, PS3 xXBig-DaddyXx\\n\\nDuke \\u2013 360 Dukeskath, PS3 Dukeskath'