The Veteran Gamers Episode 79 - Allan Tang Syndrome...

Published: July 14, 2011, 9:50 p.m.

b"Welcome to show 79.\\n\\nAnother week of three video game reprobates talking all things gaming.\\n\\nThis week Chinny finally gets around to playing Dead Space 2 and checks out 30 Second Hero, The Daddy finishes F3AR twice, starts Shadows Of The Damned and plays The Nightjar and Dungeon Raid on his iPod Touch, Duke gets brown stains in his Y Fronts playing Amnesia on his Mac and takes a trip down memory lane with KOTOR.\\n\\nIn the middle of the show, Surface lizard talks piles of shame (ATS) and we discuss our own unplayed/unfinished games and why we have this condition.\\n\\nVlaDOS joins us at the end this week with Solar 2, and that's about it!\\n\\nEnjoy.\\n\\nDon\\u2019t for get to follow us on twitter @veterangamersuk and if you have any opinions or questions, send Emails to:\\n\\\\n\\nGamertags\\n\\nChinny \\u2013 360 ChinChinny, PS3 Chinny1985,\\n\\nThe Daddy \\u2013 360 Big Daddy Blast, PS3 xXBig-DaddyXx\\n\\nDuke \\u2013 360 Dukeskath, PS3 Dukeskath"