The Veteran Gamers Episode 354 - Boundless

Published: Oct. 20, 2016, 6:35 p.m.

b'Join Stu, Duke and Chinny for yet another show. This week the guys talk about the newly released PSVR. Listen in to hear what Stu think and more importantly why Chinny and Duke hate it.\\nChinny has been playing some more Mafia 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider while Duke has played a new game called ROCKET LEAGUE, heard of it?\\nWe end the show as always with emails, speakpipes and the other usual social media stuff.\\nEnjoy\\nSend Speakpipes to\\n\\n\\nFollow us on twitter @veterangamersuk and if you have any opinions or questions, send emails to:\\\\n\\nGamertags\\nChinny \\u2013 360 ChinChinny, PS3 Chinny1985\\nThe Daddy \\u2013 360 Big Daddy Blast, Steam BigDaddyBlaster, PS3 xXBig-DaddyXx\\nDuke \\u2013 360 DukeSkath, PS3 DukeSkath, Steam DukeSkath'