The Veteran Gamers Episode 102 - Mistletoe And Wine!

Published: Dec. 22, 2011, 10:55 p.m.

b"Welcome to show 102.\\n\\nThis week we have our Christmas special. The Daddy has been playing Assassin's Creed Revelations, Chinny checked out Crysis 2 and unbelievably Duke played something other than Skyrim (sort of).\\n\\nIn the middle of the show VlaDOS gives us Nyan Cat Adventures to check out and we cover off our Christmas wishes for 2012.\\n\\nWe finish off with a pretty big confession or two and shoutouts.\\n\\nMerry Christmas Everyone!\\n\\nFollow us on twitter @veterangamersuk and if you have any opinions or questions, send Emails to:\\n\\\\n\\nGamertags\\n\\nChinny \\u2013 360 ChinChinny, PS3 Chinny1985,\\n\\n \\n\\nThe Daddy \\u2013 360 Big Daddy Blast, PS3 xXBig-DaddyXx\\n\\n \\n\\nDuke \\u2013 360 Dukeskath, PS3 Dukeskath"