Steve Aoki on why hes a crypto believer

Published: April 1, 2022, 4 a.m.

b"Vergecast is on spring break this week! In the meantime, check out Nilay's discussion with Steve Aoki from this week's episode of Decoder with Nilay Patel. \\nSteve Aoki is a superstar DJ, producer, record label owner, and prolific entrepreneur. He has been part of the music industry since 1996, so he\\u2019s been through a lot of these big tech transitions, and now he\\u2019s heavily invested in another, with Web3, the Aokiverse. It involves selling tokens and NFTs and, over time, is meant to be part of the metaverse. Because, of course.\\nSubscribe the Decoder in your favorite podcast app.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"