How Deep Learning has Revolutionized OCR with Cha Zhang - #416

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 4:02 p.m.

b'Today we\\u2019re joined by Cha Zhang, a Partner Engineering Manager at Microsoft Cloud & AI.\\xa0\\n Cha\\u2019s work at MSFT is focused on exploring ways that new technologies can be applied to optical character recognition, or OCR, pushing the boundaries of what has been seen as an otherwise \\u2018solved\\u2019 problem. In our conversation with Cha, we explore some of the traditional challenges of doing OCR in the wild, and what are the ways in which deep learning algorithms are being applied to transform these solutions.\\xa0\\n We also discuss the difficulties of using an end to end pipeline for OCR work, if there is a semi-supervised framing that could be used for OCR, the role of techniques like neural architecture search, how advances in NLP could influence the advancement of OCR problems, and much more.\\xa0\\n The complete show notes for this episode can be found at'