Expressive AI - Generated Music With Google's Performance RNN - Doug Eck - TWiML Talk #32

Published: July 5, 2017, midnight

b'My guest for this second show in our O\\u2019Reilly AI series is Doug Eck of Google Brain. Doug did a keynote at the O\\u2019Reilly conference on Magenta, Google\\u2019s project for melding machine learning and the arts. Magenta\\u2019s goal is to produce open-source tools and models that help people in their personal creative processes. Doug\\u2019s research starts with using so-called \\u201cgenerative\\u201d machine learning models to create engaging media. Additionally, he is working on how to bring other aspects of the creative process into play. We talk about the newly announced Performance RNN project, which uses neural networks to create expressive, AI-generated music. We also touch on QuickDraw, a project by Google AI Experiments, in which users as Doug describes it, \\u201cplay Pictionary\\u201d with a visual classifier. We dig into what he foresees as possibilities for Magenta, machine learning models eventually developing storylines, generative models for media and creative coding. The notes for this episode can be found at'