Who Among Us Is Free?

Published: Dec. 1, 2021, 11 p.m.

Question of the Hour: Who Among Us Is Free?

Coin Analogy.
Who is among the free and the brave?
Liberty and justice for whom?
Are we among the free?

Personal Transformation Bridge: The gap between where you are and where you aspire to be. On the antiracism journey the gap includes courage, conversation, relationship, and accountability.

It takes courage to immerse yourself in conversation, relationship, and historical truth through lived experiences
Factual information + social dialogue productive change
Harmonize lived experiences with historical truth (Dr. Ida E. Jones, Historian/Archivist)

"For some, the existence of systemic racism against Black people is hard to accept because it violates the notion that the world is fair and just. But the rigid racial hierarchy created by slavery did not collapse after it was abolished, nor did it end with the civil rights era." Robert Livingston, Author of The Conversation: How Seeking and Speaking Truth about Racism Can Radically Transform Individuals and Organizations